Data Governance

SKU: 92X6Y45
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4 Slides
File size: 16:9
Fonts: Lato Black, Calibri
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PPT 2010, PPT 2013, PPT 2016

Product details

Data governance is a collection of processes, roles, policies, standards, and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals. It establishes the processes and responsibilities that ensure the quality and security of the data used across a business or organization. Data governance defines who can take what action, upon what data, in what situations, using what methods. A well-crafted data governance strategy is fundamental for any organization that works with big data, and will explain how your business benefits from consistent, common processes and responsibilities. Business drivers highlight what data needs to be carefully controlled in your data governance strategy and the benefits expected from this effort. Data governance ensures that roles related to data are clearly defined, and that responsibility and accountability are agreed upon across the enterprise. A well-planned data governance framework covers strategic, tactical, and operational roles and responsibilities. An effective data governance strategy provides many benefits to an organization, including a common understanding of data, improved quality of data, consistent compliance, improved data management. In order to find the right data governance approach for your organization, look for open source, scalable tools that can be quickly and economically integrated with the organization’s existing environment. Additionally, a cloud-based platform will allow you to quickly plug into robust capabilities that are cost-efficient and easy to use. Cloud-based solutions also avoid the overhead required for on-premises servers. Manage your data with metadata-driven ETL and ELT, and data integration applications, so data pipelines can be tracked and traced with end-to end data lineage. Empower the people that know the data best, to contribute to the data stewardship tasks with self-service tools. Make certain that your organization is positioned to maximize data governance investments and minimize risk of data breaches.

Data Governance template consists of four slides and is intended primarily for international innovative companies. All slides in the template have the necessary tools to build a professional presentation. The first slide gives you the opportunity to present your data integration infrastructure in a way that your audience can understand. You can describe in detail what your standards represent, what policies and procedures you use, the data organization form. The second slide provides an opportunity to indicate goals and define quantitative indicators for them. The slides will be useful for startups that provide services for organizing data storage using cloud technologies. Also, this template will be useful for specialists who are responsible for storing data in a company. This template can be used by university educators when preparing courses on data security or the use of the cloud. If necessary, you can change the location of text blocks, infographics, change color and size. The Data Integration Infrastructure template will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.