Sales Projection

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A sales projection is the amount of revenue a company expects to earn at some point in the future. It’s a prediction that is synonymous with a sales forecast. Both help determine the health of a company and whether sales will trend upward or downward. Small companies use various input to determine sales projections. The initiative usually commences in the sales department. There are certain inherent advantages to calculating and using sales projections.
Sales projections usually are stated in terms of units and dollars. Small companies also allocate a certain time period for sales projections. For example, sales projections may be calculated on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Moreover, most companies compare their sales projections to past sales figures, showing a percent increase or decrease versus the earlier period. The earlier period may be from the same period a year earlier. Sales projections also may be made for multiple years, which helps production managers plan and run their departments more efficiently.
Small business owners or sales managers usually make the sales projections. They may obtain input from sales reps, top management and the marketing department. Most small companies first calculate the costs of producing or purchasing their products or services. They then determine how many sales it will take to break even. Subsequently, business owners calculate the number of sales calls they plan to make and the amount of advertising they will run. Economic conditions, seasonal sales spikes, the intensity of competition and population shifts also are factored in to determine sales projections.
There are a number of advantages to having up-to-date and accurate sales projections. One is that it may be easier to get loans. Banks often base their loan decisions on the time frame in which a business turns a profit. Established businesses may need to show growth potential and explain how they derived the numbers. The Small Business Administration recommends sales forecasts or projections as part of the loan application process. Sales projections also enable marketing and other functional departments to create their budgets and plan projects. Favorable sales projections may interest potential investors, driving up value for shareholders.
This template will be helpful for sales managers when preparing a sales plan. You can use the slides in this template when planning sales for several quarters or years. You can use graphs and charts to present your sales data.
Company executives can use this template when preparing for a strategy session with company shareholders. Crisis managers can use the slides in this template when preparing their strategy for getting the company out of losses.
Sales Projection is a professional and modern template that contains four stylish and fully editable slides. You can change the type and size of the font, color and position of the infographic yourself. This template will be useful to sales managers, company executives, crisis managers, financiers and startups. Sales Projection template will complement your old presentations and will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.