RAG Status

SKU: W8F3219
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6 Slides
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PPT 2010, PPT 2013, PPT 2016

Product details

The RAG status of a project or any of its milestones is the level at which resources, like money, time, and talent affect its expected success. RAG — or red/amber/green — thus becomes a code to either alert or assure stakeholders of the current state of a project. The RAG code can be adapted across other domains, besides project management. The road traffic safety standard code is one such area, although each colour then has a much simpler explanation. 

Just as red = stop for road traffic systems, so too does it require conscious pause and deliberation when it comes to software project management. Projects categorized at the red level are in dire need of attention or they may fail. Typical resource conditions that may indicate a project’s status is red may include the following – money, time, talent. 

It is common to use a red tag in a project orchestration tool. Such tools show what tasks are required to take software projects through versions. Often, a red status on a software project hints to programmers and managers that a task is strained on all three resources above, or has not started at all. 

Amber projects or milestones are less threatening to the successful outcomes expected by stakeholders. Often it takes less work to get amber projects back on track than it takes to get red projects on track.

Project managers use them when explaining how work is going and even when expressing their worry to a company’s owners. When applied to project management and release tools, the amber colour tag often indicates that action is required immediately to avoid crossing into a red status. 

Just as green is the most desired colour when approaching a traffic light, a project with a green status also brings smiles to project owners’ faces. It means the project is going as planned. Often the colour alone is enough to convince project leaders that their planning was spot on. A green status indicates that money, time, and talent allocations are sufficient or near perfect to accomplish the tasks and milestones successfully, on or before expected delivery times. 

This template will be primarily useful for project managers. You can use the slides in this template when preparing a progress report on various projects.

Investment companies can use the slides of this template when preparing to meet with clients or startups. You can prepare a detailed status report for each project or highlight promising startups for future investment. University faculty can use the slides of this template when preparing courses on project management or effective investment in startups.

Rag Status is a professional and modern template that contains six stylish and fully editable slides. If necessary, you can change all the elements of the slide in accordance with your corporate requirements. This template will be useful for project managers, startups, investment companies, risk managers. Rag Status template will organically complement your presentations and will be a great addition to your collection of professional presentations.