Investment Pitch

Product details
Startups frequently prepare a pitch deck to present their company to prospective angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck typically consists of 15-20 slides in a PowerPoint presentation and is intended to showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to the investors.
Raising capital from investors is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it is crucial that a startup absolutely nails its investor pitch deck and articulates a compelling and interesting story.
Putting together a sleek and impressive pitch deck is an absolutely essential part of the process for any startup that is looking to raise funding. It is especially important for startups raising Series A funding, simply because the business is still young and relatively unproven.
Receiving funding is becoming an increasingly important factor of small business success. One in four businesses surveyed by the National Small Business Association claim that they experienced limited business growth because they were not able to receive the funding they required.
Some might say that the purpose of a Series A pitch deck should be to explain to investors why they should give your business money. In reality, the true purpose of a pitch is to show investors why they should want to learn more about your startup.
When you are pitching to an investor, everyone is aware of the fact that your startup would like funding. It is important to make sure that money is not the primary angle and purpose of your pitch.
Another important distinction that founders need to make is the one between pitching to customers and pitching to investors. You are not trying to sell your product or service, you are trying to explain what sets your startup apart from others.
Getting your value proposition right will be a good exercise for the rest of the pitch deck slides because it literally needs to be a one-sentence thing. According to a recent study performed by Docusend, investors spend an average of three minutes and 44 seconds looking at a single pitch deck.
This template will be primarily useful for startup executives when preparing to meet with investors and business angels. You can describe in detail the required investments, the competitive advantage of your product, the payback period of the project.
Also, this template can be used by investment companies and financial analysts. Company executives can use the slides from this template in preparation for a strategy session with company shareholders.
Business trainers and university educators can use the slides from this template to prepare their courses on starting a new business or the business case for a new product launch.
Investment Pitch is a professional and modern template that contains four stylish and fully editable slides. The template contains a large number of infographics and diagrams. If necessary, you can change all the elements of the slide in accordance with your corporate requirements. This template will be useful for startups, investment companies, financiers and economists. Investment Pitch Template will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.