Year In Review Template

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4 Slides
File size: 16:9
Fonts: Lato Black, Calibri
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PPT 2010, PPT 2013, PPT 2016

Product details

The Year In Review has become increasingly popular over the years as notable brands such as Spotify, Apple and Google highlight stats, trends, and even content unique to your own use of their product during the past year. The year in review does not have an exact formula, so it might look a little different for each brand or organization. 

The most simple description of the year in review is as an overview of the happenings, milestones, and data points from the past year which you want to celebrate, recognize and share with the outside world. 

The year in review is most often shared in a few different formats from the infographic, letter-style, multi-page report, video, or a combination of all four. 

The year in review will take a lot of planning and development — from brainstorming, research, copywriting, design and execution. Make sure you leverage all of this work into a well-planned year in review marketing campaign and maximize the way you distribute and message the content. 

Give yourself lots of time to plan and create the year in review. From the moment you kick off the planning, you should build out your complete campaign timeline focused on all the tasks, due dates, stakeholders, and resources needed to complete the project.

Pull together your team and start brainstorming all the content items that you may want to include in the year in review. Topics for your year in review should include accomplishments, milestones, and data points of interest related to the organization. The topics can cover both internal and external topics since the audience for the year in review is also the company employees in addition to customers, members, and the general public. 

On the launch date, you should send a year in review email to your customer database and post it to your social media channels. Issuu also makes it easy to embed your year in review, upgrading your website to align with this year-end campaign. Keep the campaign fresh and unique by using the various derivative assets you created to message different aspects of your year in review. 

This template can be used by analysts and economists when preparing a company’s annual performance report. You can provide detailed data on the company’s profits and revenues, the number of new customers or new markets.

This template can also be used by startups when preparing an annual report on the company’s work. You can submit data by the number of products sold or the number of new customers. Also, this template will be useful for company executives in preparation for a strategic session with shareholders.

Year In Review is a professional and modern template that contains four stylish and fully editable slides. You can change the type and size of the font, color and position of the infographic yourself. This template will be useful for project managers, startups, company executives, financial analysts. Year In Review template will complement your old presentations and will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.