Awards Template

SKU: 62J78D3
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4 Slides
File size: 16:9
Fonts: Lato, Calibri
Supported version
PPT 2010, PPT 2013, PPT 2016

Product details

The Award PowerPoint template provides a modern presentation layout to acknowledge and award employee efforts.  The template contains clipart and shapes illustrating success and recognition.

The first two slides provide editable text placeholders for awardee’s name, award date and signature of the awarder. The presenter can list all the achievements of the awardee with the help of the third slide. The slide contains a bulleted list placeholder and golden trophy illustrative of winning. Present the various awards the awardee is given with the fourth slide.

The award PowerPoint template lets you create award PowerPoint presentation with ease and clarity without the need for graphic design skills or knowledge. Use it to build a fast and easy award-themed PowerPoint presentation. It is 100% customizable and editable. You can easily modify colors, texts, icons in each slide as per your requirement. Simply edit the text placeholder in the slides and make changes according to requirements.

The award template can be used to display award for employees, and the award PowerPoint template is useful for all business industries, academic and research organizations because these slide designs help in the process of awarding accolades to employees.